Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Facebook Wedding

As Mark Zuckerberg wed thee Priscilla Chan in a surprise wedding ceremony, the spontaneity of it should have been enough to put smiles on everyone's faces. Why not? A Billionaire's low key wedding shared intimately with a close circle of friends and family, then posted for the world to see on Facebook is what social media is all about. Stuff of dreams, mind you.

But what surprised me here is their candid and offputting wedding photo, bride and groom apart, non-smiling and quite stiff. They've been living together for quite sometime, its not like their diving into a pool of uncertainty, both have their shit together. He, the young billionaire in a hoodie and She, the young resident doctor who can hold her ground.

So why is this wedding portrait giving me the vibe of Norman Rockwell's American Gothic sans the pitchfork? Maybe Priscilla Chan is not happy to marry a tech eccentric billionaire after all?

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